
Sahjeevan, set up 25 years ago in Kachchh, works in the state of Gujarat to support marginalized communities to revive their traditional ecological knowledge systems, engage with relevant technologies and scientific methods to conserve their ecological resources, and strengthen their livelihoods. The organization has influenced local governance institutions, communities and the region as a whole to conserve biodiversity, regenerate tradition water systems based on local geo hydrological solutions, revitalise pastoralism, promote indigenous livestock breeding practices, and strengthen resilience through rainfed agriculture.
Pervasive industrialization and agricultural encroachments in Kachchh have been the primary drivers of rapid degradation of commons in the last decade. These changes have led to loss of traditional commons based livelihoods and marginalization of some specific communities. This induced Sahjeevan to focus on conservation and management of commons through governance; and revival of commons based livelihood systems. Sahjeevan works in partnership with other like-minded organizations and local communities, and also provides knowledge and technical support to organizations across India. It has identified four thematic areas that need attention; namely Pastoralism, Water, Bio-diversity and Urban issues; and has established specialized units to work on them. Today Sahjeevan works across the state of Gujarat and has earned itself the recognition of being one of the foremost civic society institutions in the country. Sahjeevan is an IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) member.